Corpus Christi Procession
I personally invite you and your loved ones to join our parish of St. Joseph at the Mancini Bowl in Graceada Park (401 Needham, Modesto) on the morning of Saturday, June 1st for a special public Mass followed by a procession with our Risen Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This is the weekend of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (known as “Corpus Christi”). It also marks the beginning of the 3rd, and final year, of the National Eucharistic Revival – the year of Going on Mission when the Holy Spirit will send us out on mission to share the gift of our Eucharistic Lord as we enter the universal Church’s jubilee year in 2025.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass begins at 9:00am then we will walk behind the Blessed Sacrament in solemn procession. Following our Lord Jesus is a beautiful way to publicly witness to our faith in the mystery of His Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. As we walk in procession, we are the witnesses to the Lord’s Resurrection that we are all called by God to be. This will also be a blessed time for us to reflect on the meaning of the Eucharist in our own lives and to give thanks to Almighty God for the gift of Christ's presence among us (our intimate fellowship with Him). Please mark your calendars for June 1st and spread the word to friends, family, and neighbors. The seating at the Mancini Bowl are bleachers. You are encouraged to bring a blanket or seat cushion for the Mass. Also, because many hands make the work lighter, I appreciate any help you can offer. There are many ways to serve at this special devotion. Please use the following link to sign up to volunteer Volunteer Sign Up Form. Together, with the intercession of Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, let us make this year’s Corpus Christi Procession a most memorable and deeply meaningful encounter with the Risen Lord Jesus for all who see and participate. I look forward to seeing you there! In Christ, Fr. Sam West Pastor |
Do you want to help at this special event? Sign up here