St. Joseph's Workshop (Men's Faith Study)
St. Joseph Men’s workshop will resume “That Man is You” study groups in English on Wednesday, September 11th. El Taller de San Jose Spanish Group will meet September 21st.
Without good men studies show:
- Likelihood for children to carry on the faith or have any at all in adolescence or adulthood: - When the Mother leads 2% - When the Father leads 75% - Children of father-absent homes are twice as likely to drop out compared those with a father present. - 50% of children with highly involved fathers report getting mostly A’s through high school compared to 35.2% of nonresident father families. - Children in father-absent homes are five times more likely to be poor. - A child with a non-resident father is 54% more likely to be poorer than his or her father. - Infant mortality rates are 1.8 times higher for infants of unmarried mothers than for married mothers. - A study showed that middle schoolers not living with both biological parents quadruple the risk of having an affective disorder. - Youths in father-absent homes experience higher odds at incarceration. - Youths in single-parent homes experience higher risk of delinquency, drug and alcohol abuse. - Sexual activity increases by two times and pregnancy by seven times in father-absent homes. - Children in single parent homes are 120% in greater risk of child abuse endangerment. |