Stewardship Renewal
God has given everything to us. What return can we make to Him? There is always a place for you at St. Joseph's, where Stewardship is a way of life. Called to communion with God, St. Joseph’s strives to be a family of families who serve God through beautiful and reverent worship: a sacred haven where people know they are welcomed and loved by Jesus.
St. Joseph's parishioners are active Stewards!
They Pray Gratefully, Serve Responsibly and Give Generously!
They pray gratefully by attending Weekday and Sunday Mass, they participate in family prayer, including a family rosary. They read daily or weekly from the Bible or join a Bible study group. They visit the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at St. Joseph's. So many ways that we can offer our prayers back to Him.
They serve responsibly by teaching Catechism, helping in the library, serving the poor, staffing events, working in the parish bookstore, getting involved in social or fellowship organizations, serving as a liturgical minister and many other ways.
They give generously with financial gifts and gifts in kind: they tithe to our Church by using E-Giving or weekly envelopes and they know that they are only returning what God has given to them.